Creators United, an Indian publishing platform devoted to influencers and entertainment, is planning to stage Creators United 2024, touted as Asia's largest exclusive creative festival, in India, bringing prominent figures and creators from all across the region. It will take place on March 15.
India is poised to welcome prominent influencers and content creators from across the region as Creators United, a domestic platform dedicated to influencers and infotainment, prepares to host Creators United 2024, touted as Asia’s largest exclusive creator festival. Scheduled for March 15, the event is anticipated to be a significant milestone in the digital creative sphere.
Presented collaboratively by Mad Influence, a leading Indian influencer marketing agency, in partnership with the Government of Maharashtra, the festival is expected to garner widespread attention within the digital creative community.
According to a company statement, the festival, which is an invite-only event, aims to provide over 1,000 influencers, as well as brands, agencies, and industry experts, with a distinctive and immersive experience.
Gautam Madhavan, the CEO and founder of Mad Influence, stated that "our goal with Creators United 2024 is to position the creator economy at the forefront of innovation." The speaker placed significant emphasis on the fact that the occasion will furnish an unmatched forum wherein industry experts, agencies, creators, and brands can convene, exchange perspectives, and commemorate the triumphs of digital ingenuity and progress.
The previous iteration of the Creators United Fest boasted an impressive lineup featuring over 100 creators and more than 50 brands, resulting in an outstanding reach of 900 million.
With its focus on fostering collaboration, innovation, and recognition within the digital creative landscape, Creators United 2024 is poised to be a catalyst for further growth and advancement in the influencer industry.